J, having been busted on Saturday for being on the phone, calls in sick today. All day long, comments are made by management about how he's finally pushed it too far.
Do we think tomorrow that J will finally be let go? Dont be silly!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
February 23, 2013 - J
[7:05ish ; I arrive]
8:27 ; J arrives
[9:55-10:09 ; I am not in area to observe]
? -10:21; wandering, went somewhere in his car, returned with food
10:25-10:30ish ; eating said food while working
[11:29-11:50 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:20ish ; busted on his phone, throws "adult" tantrum* until...
12:35-1:13 ; wandering
1:13-1:30 ; see NOTE 1
2:38-3:00 ; wandering
3:00 and beyond ; see NOTE 2
[3:55 ; I go home]
Here's the general shape of J's work today: He worked two machines, with a fairly slow job on one, and a very slow job on the other. For a change, he didnt do too badly. Not great, but not as bad as he had previously, probably because the Saturday management actually pays attention. I wish I could tell you the count on the slow job, but I didnt check. On the really slow job, I kind of recorded the start or stop times of each run.
Run 1 start 8:32; Run 2 starts 8:55; Run 3 starts 9:13ish; then he had some trouble with the machine; Run 4 starts 9:50; Run 5 starts 10:21; then there's a gap in observation where I wasnt paying attention (so now I'll identify the runs with letters instead); Run A finished 11:20ish; then another gap as I went to lunch; Run C (most likely) finished 12:06; Run D finished 12:21, about when J got busted on the phone. Run E finished 1:18 (machine paused while he was gone); then another gap in my observation; Run H (in theory) finished 2:13; Run I finished 2:30; Run J finished 2:45 (which seems too quick, but which isnt impossible).
That's (estimated) 15 Runs of this job in 6 and a half hours. By contrast, on the previous day, I did 12 Runs in a period of about 3 and a quarter hours, though to be fair, there was no lunch during my set.
NOTE 1: Sometimes, J really is like a twelve-year old. Upon his return from "lunch" or wherever J went after he stormed out after being busted, he rather defiantly used his phone, though being obviously (and by "obviously" I mean "exaggeratedly") careful (and by "careful" I mean "dancing on the line of being caught in the manner of a clever but stupid 6th grade class clown) not to let the management who busted him see him use it directly behind his back. This came to an abrupt halt when the VP showed up. At the time, while watching him do this, I was reminded of meercats or prairie dogs.
NOTE 2: The second shift guy came in and took over the really long runs while J was out at around 3:00, so from that point on he was working only the one machine with the long runs on it. And talking. Talking, talking, talking.
If any of the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
* You know, "adult", i.e., controlled stomping, hurling things around while doing your job, brusque comments and answers, muttering under your breath, and a general body language that says "Everyone's so unfair to me".
8:27 ; J arrives
[9:55-10:09 ; I am not in area to observe]
? -10:21; wandering, went somewhere in his car, returned with food
10:25-10:30ish ; eating said food while working
[11:29-11:50 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:20ish ; busted on his phone, throws "adult" tantrum* until...
12:35-1:13 ; wandering
1:13-1:30 ; see NOTE 1
2:38-3:00 ; wandering
3:00 and beyond ; see NOTE 2
[3:55 ; I go home]
Here's the general shape of J's work today: He worked two machines, with a fairly slow job on one, and a very slow job on the other. For a change, he didnt do too badly. Not great, but not as bad as he had previously, probably because the Saturday management actually pays attention. I wish I could tell you the count on the slow job, but I didnt check. On the really slow job, I kind of recorded the start or stop times of each run.
Run 1 start 8:32; Run 2 starts 8:55; Run 3 starts 9:13ish; then he had some trouble with the machine; Run 4 starts 9:50; Run 5 starts 10:21; then there's a gap in observation where I wasnt paying attention (so now I'll identify the runs with letters instead); Run A finished 11:20ish; then another gap as I went to lunch; Run C (most likely) finished 12:06; Run D finished 12:21, about when J got busted on the phone. Run E finished 1:18 (machine paused while he was gone); then another gap in my observation; Run H (in theory) finished 2:13; Run I finished 2:30; Run J finished 2:45 (which seems too quick, but which isnt impossible).
That's (estimated) 15 Runs of this job in 6 and a half hours. By contrast, on the previous day, I did 12 Runs in a period of about 3 and a quarter hours, though to be fair, there was no lunch during my set.
NOTE 1: Sometimes, J really is like a twelve-year old. Upon his return from "lunch" or wherever J went after he stormed out after being busted, he rather defiantly used his phone, though being obviously (and by "obviously" I mean "exaggeratedly") careful (and by "careful" I mean "dancing on the line of being caught in the manner of a clever but stupid 6th grade class clown) not to let the management who busted him see him use it directly behind his back. This came to an abrupt halt when the VP showed up. At the time, while watching him do this, I was reminded of meercats or prairie dogs.
NOTE 2: The second shift guy came in and took over the really long runs while J was out at around 3:00, so from that point on he was working only the one machine with the long runs on it. And talking. Talking, talking, talking.
If any of the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
* You know, "adult", i.e., controlled stomping, hurling things around while doing your job, brusque comments and answers, muttering under your breath, and a general body language that says "Everyone's so unfair to me".
Friday, February 22, 2013
February 22, 2013 - J
[5:10 ; I arrive]
7:10 ; I thought I saw him, but apparently not.
8:44 ; J arrives
J's work today was a job which is both easy and slow. It involved a run which should last around 10 minutes or so, and takes another 3 or so to reload (let's say 15 minutes per run total). Before he arrived, I managed to do 12 Runs in about 3 and a quarter hours, while also working other jobs on another machine.
Run 1 starts at 8:59
Run 2 starts at about 9:15
Run 3 starts at 9:33
[9:40-10:20 ; I'm in with HR, so I am not in area to observe]
Run 4 finishes at 10:35. I assume J took his usual (overlong) break while I was in HR, and so did almost no work then.
Run 5 finishes at 10:52
Run 6 starts at 11:00
Run 7 starts at around 11:23
[11:34-12:08 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
Run 8 happens while I'm at lunch
Run 9 finishes at 12:14
12:14-12:17 ; phone - see NOTE 1
Run 10 starts at about 12:20
12:32-12:41 ; sitting, phone
Run 11 starts at 12:45
12:51-12:54 ; wandering
Run 12 starts at 1:00
1:19-2:03 ; wandering (lunch, most likely), with a pass-thru at 1:27
2:05 ; eating
Run 13 starts at 2:05
Run 14 starts 2:20
Run 15 starts 2:45 on machine 1
Run 16 starts 2:45 on machine 2
{3:02 ; Lz starts working on machine 1, displacing J}
[3:23 ; I leave work]
NOTE 1: I should point out that this was not the only time that J was on the phone. I've gotten to the point that if he's not on the phone while his machine(s) arent running for a period of three minutes or more, I dont usually make note of it. It should, however, be understood that at any given moment when J is at work, machines running or not, odds are about 50/50 that he is using his phone.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
7:10 ; I thought I saw him, but apparently not.
8:44 ; J arrives
J's work today was a job which is both easy and slow. It involved a run which should last around 10 minutes or so, and takes another 3 or so to reload (let's say 15 minutes per run total). Before he arrived, I managed to do 12 Runs in about 3 and a quarter hours, while also working other jobs on another machine.
Run 1 starts at 8:59
Run 2 starts at about 9:15
Run 3 starts at 9:33
[9:40-10:20 ; I'm in with HR, so I am not in area to observe]
Run 4 finishes at 10:35. I assume J took his usual (overlong) break while I was in HR, and so did almost no work then.
Run 5 finishes at 10:52
Run 6 starts at 11:00
Run 7 starts at around 11:23
[11:34-12:08 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
Run 8 happens while I'm at lunch
Run 9 finishes at 12:14
12:14-12:17 ; phone - see NOTE 1
Run 10 starts at about 12:20
12:32-12:41 ; sitting, phone
Run 11 starts at 12:45
12:51-12:54 ; wandering
Run 12 starts at 1:00
1:19-2:03 ; wandering (lunch, most likely), with a pass-thru at 1:27
2:05 ; eating
Run 13 starts at 2:05
Run 14 starts 2:20
Run 15 starts 2:45 on machine 1
Run 16 starts 2:45 on machine 2
{3:02 ; Lz starts working on machine 1, displacing J}
[3:23 ; I leave work]
NOTE 1: I should point out that this was not the only time that J was on the phone. I've gotten to the point that if he's not on the phone while his machine(s) arent running for a period of three minutes or more, I dont usually make note of it. It should, however, be understood that at any given moment when J is at work, machines running or not, odds are about 50/50 that he is using his phone.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
February 21, 2013 - J
[5:30 I arrive at work]
6:30 ; J arrives
6:40 ; J begins to work! Color me shocked.
6:40-7:40 ; Job 1: 60 pcs of coroplast approx. 24x40
7:45-8:00 ; Job 2: styrene, 6 pcs
8:10-8:25 ; Job 3: ad fab; job interrupted before finished, approx. 80-100 pcs finished.
8:13-8:18 ; computer-based HR stuff
8:19-8:24 ; searching for missing (new) calculator
8:28-8:36 ; fretting about information on pay-stubs
[9:05-9:18 ; break, I am not in area to observe]
9:23-9:50 ; wandering
10:00 ; Job 4: PVC. This job involves runs that last about 15 minutes start to start. J was told to run it on two machines. See below for details.
11:08-11:14 ; sitting and apparently writing rap lyrics, as far as I could tell.
[11:25-11:53 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
1:09-1:45 ; wandering
2:13-2:29 ; wandering
2:52-2:55 ; wandering
2:55-2:58 ; eating
3:25ish ; 2nd shift has arrived and J is done running Job 4. Puttering follows.
[3:58 ; I leave work]
Job 4: Details.
Okay, so J was working on what for him has been a classic goof-off job. Normal procedure for him is to run this job at about half the default speed. I run it trouble-free at almost double the default, and since I'm the one who set up the original default, this new speed is really where it ought to stay. The day before, I made 6 Runs on the machine J uses, and did so in an hour and a half, while working other jobs on another machine. J, on the other hand, ran the machine at default speed, thus increasing his run-time length (the better to have more time to devote to his phone, I'm guessing*). Also, while a person who was interested in producing a reasonable amount of product would start one machine, then load the other while the first was running, thus getting the two so that reloading and restarting would alternate, J prefers to reload one, then let it sit while reloading the other, then start them both at the same time, thus guaranteeing himself a period of ten minutes or more in which to goof off. He also has a habit of pausing his machines while he takes breaks or lunch, apparently considering goofing off time to be more important than productivity, even productivity that occurs while he is gone. Anyway, here's the timeline for the work he did:
10:00 ; by management to stop Job 3 and start on Job 4
10:10 ; starts machine M {Run 1}
10:14 ; starts machine Z {Run 2}
10:32 ; starts both machines {Runs 3+4} (actually, M started at 10:31 and Z started at 10:33, but I'm going to split the different when they are this close together)
10:51 ; starts both machines - Z finishes at 11:06, and M finishes at 11:12 {Runs 5+6}
11:22 ; starts both machines {Runs 7+8}
[11:25-11:53 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:00ish ; both machines finish {Runs 9+10}
12:09 ; starts both machines, machine M finishes at 12:25 {Runs 11+12}
12:30ish ; starts machine Z, then soon pauses it until 12:36, run finished at 12:50 {Run 13}
12:36 ; starts machine M, runs finished at 12:50 {Run 14}
1:48 ; starts both machines, runs finished at 2:05 {Runs 15+16}
2:12 ; starts both machines, runs finished at 2:27 {Runs 17+18}
2:40 ; starts both machines, runs finished at 2:55 {Runs 19+20}
3:03ish ; starts both machines, runs finished at 3:20 {Runs 21+22}
Score: 22 Runs on two machines, or 11 Runs per machine. Time to do so, 4 hours and 35 minutes (subtracting lunch), or about 25 minutes per Run. This is almost twice the time I took when I ran my Runs.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
* This is a fairly easy guess because he is using his phone a minimum of 50% of the workday**, especially when he has slow jobs like this one.
** estimated
6:30 ; J arrives
6:40 ; J begins to work! Color me shocked.
6:40-7:40 ; Job 1: 60 pcs of coroplast approx. 24x40
7:45-8:00 ; Job 2: styrene, 6 pcs
8:10-8:25 ; Job 3: ad fab; job interrupted before finished, approx. 80-100 pcs finished.
8:13-8:18 ; computer-based HR stuff
8:19-8:24 ; searching for missing (new) calculator
8:28-8:36 ; fretting about information on pay-stubs
[9:05-9:18 ; break, I am not in area to observe]
9:23-9:50 ; wandering
10:00 ; Job 4: PVC. This job involves runs that last about 15 minutes start to start. J was told to run it on two machines. See below for details.
11:08-11:14 ; sitting and apparently writing rap lyrics, as far as I could tell.
[11:25-11:53 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
1:09-1:45 ; wandering
2:13-2:29 ; wandering
2:52-2:55 ; wandering
2:55-2:58 ; eating
3:25ish ; 2nd shift has arrived and J is done running Job 4. Puttering follows.
[3:58 ; I leave work]
Job 4: Details.
Okay, so J was working on what for him has been a classic goof-off job. Normal procedure for him is to run this job at about half the default speed. I run it trouble-free at almost double the default, and since I'm the one who set up the original default, this new speed is really where it ought to stay. The day before, I made 6 Runs on the machine J uses, and did so in an hour and a half, while working other jobs on another machine. J, on the other hand, ran the machine at default speed, thus increasing his run-time length (the better to have more time to devote to his phone, I'm guessing*). Also, while a person who was interested in producing a reasonable amount of product would start one machine, then load the other while the first was running, thus getting the two so that reloading and restarting would alternate, J prefers to reload one, then let it sit while reloading the other, then start them both at the same time, thus guaranteeing himself a period of ten minutes or more in which to goof off. He also has a habit of pausing his machines while he takes breaks or lunch, apparently considering goofing off time to be more important than productivity, even productivity that occurs while he is gone. Anyway, here's the timeline for the work he did:
10:00 ; by management to stop Job 3 and start on Job 4
10:10 ; starts machine M {Run 1}
10:14 ; starts machine Z {Run 2}
10:32 ; starts both machines {Runs 3+4} (actually, M started at 10:31 and Z started at 10:33, but I'm going to split the different when they are this close together)
10:51 ; starts both machines - Z finishes at 11:06, and M finishes at 11:12 {Runs 5+6}
11:22 ; starts both machines {Runs 7+8}
[11:25-11:53 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:00ish ; both machines finish {Runs 9+10}
12:09 ; starts both machines, machine M finishes at 12:25 {Runs 11+12}
12:30ish ; starts machine Z, then soon pauses it until 12:36, run finished at 12:50 {Run 13}
12:36 ; starts machine M, runs finished at 12:50 {Run 14}
1:48 ; starts both machines, runs finished at 2:05 {Runs 15+16}
2:12 ; starts both machines, runs finished at 2:27 {Runs 17+18}
2:40 ; starts both machines, runs finished at 2:55 {Runs 19+20}
3:03ish ; starts both machines, runs finished at 3:20 {Runs 21+22}
Score: 22 Runs on two machines, or 11 Runs per machine. Time to do so, 4 hours and 35 minutes (subtracting lunch), or about 25 minutes per Run. This is almost twice the time I took when I ran my Runs.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
* This is a fairly easy guess because he is using his phone a minimum of 50% of the workday**, especially when he has slow jobs like this one.
** estimated
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
February 20, 2013 - J
[5:15 ; I arrive at work]
6:35 ; J arrives at work
6:45-6:50 ; wandering
[7:00ish-7:20ish ; I am too busy to observe]
7:26 ; Job 1 on table: 4 pcs, 1/4" falconboard, approx 45x75, finished 7:50
7:51-7:55 ; sitting
8:06-8:09 ; sitting
8:12-8:17 ; wandering
8:18 ; Job 2 on table, first cut at 8:24, 3 pcs static cling approx 50x18, finished 8:36
8:36-8:41 ; sitting
8:48 ; Job 3 on table, but later abandoned until later.
8:48-8:56 ; sitting
8:56-8:58 ; wandering
9:05 ; Job 4 on table, for details see below.
9:24-9:49 ; wandering
9:49-9:54 ; yakking w/ S
10:04-10:09 ; sitting
10:11-10:15 ; sitting
10:28-10:30 ; sitting, phone
10:51-11:03 ; wandering
11:03-11:09 ; phone
11:09-11:11 ; wandering
11:11-11:18 ; sitting
11:19- ? ; sitting, phone
[11:22-11:58 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:19-12:22 ; wandering
12:42-12:45 ; sitting
12:55-1:04 ; wandering
1:18-1:51 ; wandering
2:00 ; Job 5 on table; 3/16" CBU, 30x40 2 pcs (or maybe 4, cant remember)
2:05ish ; Job 6 on table; styrene, 40x20ish, 3 pcs
2:11-2:15 ; yakking
2:17 ; Job 3 back on table
2:18-2:39 ; wandering
{2:33 ; V in}
{2:33-2:58 ; V wandering}
2:39-2:41 ; sitting
2:43 ; Job 3 finished - 7 pcs of 3/16 Gator, approx 6x10
2:54 ; Job 7 (a repeat of Job 6) finished
3:10 ; J leaves work.
[3:25 ; I leave work]
Job 4 details: 108 pcs; 2 up on Coroplast, each piece 36x42, each board approx 2:00 min start-to-start.
9:04 arrives with cart of material
9:05 first board on table
9:09 first board cut
9:10 starts to set up new recycle box, then decides not to.
9:20 second board cut
9:55 third board cut
10:47 20th board cut
12:18 42nd board cut
12:54 54th (last) board cut
Time spent by J to cut each board: a bit over 4 minutes each.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
6:35 ; J arrives at work
6:45-6:50 ; wandering
[7:00ish-7:20ish ; I am too busy to observe]
7:26 ; Job 1 on table: 4 pcs, 1/4" falconboard, approx 45x75, finished 7:50
7:51-7:55 ; sitting
8:06-8:09 ; sitting
8:12-8:17 ; wandering
8:18 ; Job 2 on table, first cut at 8:24, 3 pcs static cling approx 50x18, finished 8:36
8:36-8:41 ; sitting
8:48 ; Job 3 on table, but later abandoned until later.
8:48-8:56 ; sitting
8:56-8:58 ; wandering
9:05 ; Job 4 on table, for details see below.
9:24-9:49 ; wandering
9:49-9:54 ; yakking w/ S
10:04-10:09 ; sitting
10:11-10:15 ; sitting
10:28-10:30 ; sitting, phone
10:51-11:03 ; wandering
11:03-11:09 ; phone
11:09-11:11 ; wandering
11:11-11:18 ; sitting
11:19- ? ; sitting, phone
[11:22-11:58 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:19-12:22 ; wandering
12:42-12:45 ; sitting
12:55-1:04 ; wandering
1:18-1:51 ; wandering
2:00 ; Job 5 on table; 3/16" CBU, 30x40 2 pcs (or maybe 4, cant remember)
2:05ish ; Job 6 on table; styrene, 40x20ish, 3 pcs
2:11-2:15 ; yakking
2:17 ; Job 3 back on table
2:18-2:39 ; wandering
{2:33 ; V in}
{2:33-2:58 ; V wandering}
2:39-2:41 ; sitting
2:43 ; Job 3 finished - 7 pcs of 3/16 Gator, approx 6x10
2:54 ; Job 7 (a repeat of Job 6) finished
3:10 ; J leaves work.
[3:25 ; I leave work]
Job 4 details: 108 pcs; 2 up on Coroplast, each piece 36x42, each board approx 2:00 min start-to-start.
9:04 arrives with cart of material
9:05 first board on table
9:09 first board cut
9:10 starts to set up new recycle box, then decides not to.
9:20 second board cut
9:55 third board cut
10:47 20th board cut
12:18 42nd board cut
12:54 54th (last) board cut
Time spent by J to cut each board: a bit over 4 minutes each.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
February 19, 2013 - J
[6:00 ; I arrive]
7:05ish ; J arrives
7:10-7:13 ; wandering
7:37-7:45 ; sitting - doing something on computer, but not the internet
7:56 ; first piece of material on table for Job 1
8:02-8:08 ; wandering
8:10-9:22 ; Job 1, 320 pcs of durasheet with adhesive, 11.5x11.5 each
9:22-9:58 ; wandering
9:58-10:01 ; yakking
10:01-10:09 ; sitting, phone
10:11-10:16 ; phone, yakking
10:27 ; Job 2 on table; see details below
10:48-10:52 ; sitting, phone
11:21-11:27 ; wandering
[11:29-12:00 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:06-12:12 ; sitting, phone
12:15-12:28 ; sitting, phone
12:35-12:50 ; J searches for his lost Bluetooth earpiece*.
12:50-12:56 ; yakking
12:56-12:58 ; phone
1:15-1:54 ; wandering (lunch)
1:54-2:01 ; phone
2:01-2:02 ; wandering
2:03-2:05 ; something worth noting which I forgot to make a note of
[2:05-2:21 ; company meeting]
2:23-2:29 ; wandering
2:46-2:59 ; wandering
3:40ish ; sitting in breakroom
[3:45 ; I leave the building]
Job 2 details: static cling, 2 rolls size and quantity unrecorded. Rolls were cut using J's Standard Operating Procedure: J starts a run (which will last, at most, a minute), then immediately turns to his phone. He stares at the phone long after the run finishes. Finally, after a minute of two, he turns away from the phone, clears the machine, starts another run, turns to the phone and stares at it long after the run ends. This is how nearly every job he does is handled.
Roll 1 cut 10:31-1:00 ; (although, subtracting the time goofing off shown above, time spent is only 1 hour and 37 minutes, though that number is itself still subject to J's S.O.P.)
Roll 2 cut 1:10-3:28 ; (although, subtracting the time goofing off shown above, time spent is only 53 minutes, though that number is itself still subject to J's S.O.P.
This is at least twice as long as this job should have taken. You'll notice that, as is often the case, he manages to finish the job right as his shift ends.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
* This search will go on from time to time for the next few days.
7:05ish ; J arrives
7:10-7:13 ; wandering
7:37-7:45 ; sitting - doing something on computer, but not the internet
7:56 ; first piece of material on table for Job 1
8:02-8:08 ; wandering
8:10-9:22 ; Job 1, 320 pcs of durasheet with adhesive, 11.5x11.5 each
9:22-9:58 ; wandering
9:58-10:01 ; yakking
10:01-10:09 ; sitting, phone
10:11-10:16 ; phone, yakking
10:27 ; Job 2 on table; see details below
10:48-10:52 ; sitting, phone
11:21-11:27 ; wandering
[11:29-12:00 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:06-12:12 ; sitting, phone
12:15-12:28 ; sitting, phone
12:35-12:50 ; J searches for his lost Bluetooth earpiece*.
12:50-12:56 ; yakking
12:56-12:58 ; phone
1:15-1:54 ; wandering (lunch)
1:54-2:01 ; phone
2:01-2:02 ; wandering
2:03-2:05 ; something worth noting which I forgot to make a note of
[2:05-2:21 ; company meeting]
2:23-2:29 ; wandering
2:46-2:59 ; wandering
3:40ish ; sitting in breakroom
[3:45 ; I leave the building]
Job 2 details: static cling, 2 rolls size and quantity unrecorded. Rolls were cut using J's Standard Operating Procedure: J starts a run (which will last, at most, a minute), then immediately turns to his phone. He stares at the phone long after the run finishes. Finally, after a minute of two, he turns away from the phone, clears the machine, starts another run, turns to the phone and stares at it long after the run ends. This is how nearly every job he does is handled.
Roll 1 cut 10:31-1:00 ; (although, subtracting the time goofing off shown above, time spent is only 1 hour and 37 minutes, though that number is itself still subject to J's S.O.P.)
Roll 2 cut 1:10-3:28 ; (although, subtracting the time goofing off shown above, time spent is only 53 minutes, though that number is itself still subject to J's S.O.P.
This is at least twice as long as this job should have taken. You'll notice that, as is often the case, he manages to finish the job right as his shift ends.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
* This search will go on from time to time for the next few days.
Monday, February 18, 2013
February 18, 2013 - J
[6:58 ; I arrive at work]
6:58 ; J is already at work when I arrive
[6:58-8:00ish ; I am too busy to observe]
8:11-8:43 ; phone, sitting
8:48 ; see NOTE 1
8:49-9:30 ; gratuitous cleaning, see NOTE 2
9:30-9:53 ; wandering
10:13-10:19 ; wandering
[11:33-11:55 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
11:59-12:03 ; sitting, phone
12:38-12:50 ; wandering
12:53-1:01 ; wandering
1:10-1:11 ; wandering
1:13-1:52 ; wandering
1:57-2:00 wandering
[2:18-2:26 ; I am not in area to observe]
? -2:27 ; wandering
[2:35-2:45 ; I am not in area to observe]
? -2:48 ; wandering
[3:35 ; I leave work]
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
NOTE 1: Details on this job are as follows:
8:48 ; brings over cart containing a job - 23 sintra boards, each with 12ct 12x23 pieces
10:00 ; first board on table
10:30 ; first board cut. It should be noted at this point that J was cutting this job at about 1/3 to 1/4 of the speed at which it should have been cut, taking 8 minutes to cut 1 board, (it should have taken more like 3). Even at this slow rate, the job would have taken 3 hours had he worked at it.
1:13 ; 16 boards cut, 7 left. One board was left paused in mid-cut on the table, rather than letting it continue to finish while he left for lunch.
3:00 ; job done. Time spent on job (minus lunch): 4 hours, 33 minutes (or almost 12 minutes per board). Time it should have taken (at 4 minutes per board): 92 minutes (conservatively), and finished well before lunch.
For a large portion of the day, he had managed to arrange a barrier of sorts made of uncut work between himself and the rest of the building, the better to goof off behind unobserved.
NOTE 2: among other things, J spent 15-20 minutes outside the building with a forklift rearranging pallets. Result: he brought in 3 pallets for our use.
6:58 ; J is already at work when I arrive
[6:58-8:00ish ; I am too busy to observe]
8:11-8:43 ; phone, sitting
8:48 ; see NOTE 1
8:49-9:30 ; gratuitous cleaning, see NOTE 2
9:30-9:53 ; wandering
10:13-10:19 ; wandering
[11:33-11:55 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
11:59-12:03 ; sitting, phone
12:38-12:50 ; wandering
12:53-1:01 ; wandering
1:10-1:11 ; wandering
1:13-1:52 ; wandering
1:57-2:00 wandering
[2:18-2:26 ; I am not in area to observe]
? -2:27 ; wandering
[2:35-2:45 ; I am not in area to observe]
? -2:48 ; wandering
[3:35 ; I leave work]
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
NOTE 1: Details on this job are as follows:
8:48 ; brings over cart containing a job - 23 sintra boards, each with 12ct 12x23 pieces
10:00 ; first board on table
10:30 ; first board cut. It should be noted at this point that J was cutting this job at about 1/3 to 1/4 of the speed at which it should have been cut, taking 8 minutes to cut 1 board, (it should have taken more like 3). Even at this slow rate, the job would have taken 3 hours had he worked at it.
1:13 ; 16 boards cut, 7 left. One board was left paused in mid-cut on the table, rather than letting it continue to finish while he left for lunch.
3:00 ; job done. Time spent on job (minus lunch): 4 hours, 33 minutes (or almost 12 minutes per board). Time it should have taken (at 4 minutes per board): 92 minutes (conservatively), and finished well before lunch.
For a large portion of the day, he had managed to arrange a barrier of sorts made of uncut work between himself and the rest of the building, the better to goof off behind unobserved.
NOTE 2: among other things, J spent 15-20 minutes outside the building with a forklift rearranging pallets. Result: he brought in 3 pallets for our use.
Friday, February 15, 2013
February 15, 2013 - J
[5:35 ; I arrive]
7:00 ; J arrives
7:05ish-7:19 ; see NOTE 1
7:20-7:25 ; wandering
8:09 ; first material on table.
8:30 ; actually starts working! see Order 1.
9:25-9:49 ; wandering
9:50-9:52 ; wandering
9:52-10:21 ; phone, yakking, sitting, and internet 10:02-10:05, see NOTE 2
10:22-10:31 ; wandering, see NOTE 3
[11:05-11:30 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:07ish-12:09 ; yakking, see NOTE 4
12:09-12:14 ; sitting, phone
12:30- ? ; phone
12:33-12:35 ; wandering
+12:39-12:47 ; sitting, phone
12:47-12:54 ; wandering
1:07-1:47 ; wandering
1:47-1:51 ; wandering
[2:00-2:15 ; break, I am not in area to observe]
2:34-2:48 ; wandering
2:55ish ; working!
[3:28 ; I leave work]
J and the Trainee's Accomplishments for the Day:
Order 1: 7:19-8:45 ; around 6 pcs (10x20ish) of 060 styrene - finished @ 8:30
pause to dig out material: 8:45-9:00
Order 2: 9:00-9:14 ; around 6 pcs (10x20ish) of 24pt board
Order 3: banner; appears on table at around 9:40, disappears around 10:49. I assume it was finished.
Order 4: after long discussion about the machine, sometime after noon a single 8x10 piece of plex is made (while Trainee is at lunch). Cutting finally resumes at 2:55 and is finished and cleaned up before I leave (approximately 25-30 pcs, though possibly as many as 40). Sometime after 11 is when the head came off, and at 11:55 the routing board was in place.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
NOTE 1: J is on his second day of training a new guy. Said Trainee is on his fifth day of training overall. For some reason, he and J spent an hour talking about who knows what, a significant part of it by the order bags(7:05ish-7:19), rather than the far more effective method of demonstrating the work by actually doing it. This is the pattern for the rest of the day.
NOTE 2: J took his "break" (9:25-9:49, 24 minutes long) while the Trainee killed time, then the Trainee took a break (9:50-10:15, 25 minutes long) while J killed time rather than working.
NOTE 3: Left carrying an order bag, stood talking to PT the entire time, then returned to work on unrelated job.
NOTE 4: Trainee takes lunch (12:00-12:57) separately from J (1:07-1:47).
Finally, just because I like graphics, here's a clock graph of the day:
7:00 ; J arrives
7:05ish-7:19 ; see NOTE 1
7:20-7:25 ; wandering
8:09 ; first material on table.
8:30 ; actually starts working! see Order 1.
9:25-9:49 ; wandering
9:50-9:52 ; wandering
9:52-10:21 ; phone, yakking, sitting, and internet 10:02-10:05, see NOTE 2
10:22-10:31 ; wandering, see NOTE 3
[11:05-11:30 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:07ish-12:09 ; yakking, see NOTE 4
12:09-12:14 ; sitting, phone
12:30- ? ; phone
12:33-12:35 ; wandering
+12:39-12:47 ; sitting, phone
12:47-12:54 ; wandering
1:07-1:47 ; wandering
1:47-1:51 ; wandering
[2:00-2:15 ; break, I am not in area to observe]
2:34-2:48 ; wandering
2:55ish ; working!
[3:28 ; I leave work]
J and the Trainee's Accomplishments for the Day:
Order 1: 7:19-8:45 ; around 6 pcs (10x20ish) of 060 styrene - finished @ 8:30
pause to dig out material: 8:45-9:00
Order 2: 9:00-9:14 ; around 6 pcs (10x20ish) of 24pt board
Order 3: banner; appears on table at around 9:40, disappears around 10:49. I assume it was finished.
Order 4: after long discussion about the machine, sometime after noon a single 8x10 piece of plex is made (while Trainee is at lunch). Cutting finally resumes at 2:55 and is finished and cleaned up before I leave (approximately 25-30 pcs, though possibly as many as 40). Sometime after 11 is when the head came off, and at 11:55 the routing board was in place.
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
NOTE 1: J is on his second day of training a new guy. Said Trainee is on his fifth day of training overall. For some reason, he and J spent an hour talking about who knows what, a significant part of it by the order bags(7:05ish-7:19), rather than the far more effective method of demonstrating the work by actually doing it. This is the pattern for the rest of the day.
NOTE 2: J took his "break" (9:25-9:49, 24 minutes long) while the Trainee killed time, then the Trainee took a break (9:50-10:15, 25 minutes long) while J killed time rather than working.
NOTE 3: Left carrying an order bag, stood talking to PT the entire time, then returned to work on unrelated job.
NOTE 4: Trainee takes lunch (12:00-12:57) separately from J (1:07-1:47).
Finally, just because I like graphics, here's a clock graph of the day:

Thursday, February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013 - J
[5:01 ; I arrive at work]
{? - 5:10ish ; O walks in with a drink he obviously went somewhere in a car to get.}
{5:15-7:00 ; see NOTE 1}
{6:18 ; S arrives}
{6:18-7:00 ; S on internet, yakking, wandering}
7:11 ; J arrives
7:15-7:21 ; wandering
7:21-7:30 ; gratuitous cleaning
7:30-7:33 ; wandering
[8:27-8:43 ; break, I am not in area to observe]
9:00ish ; see NOTE 2
9:30ish ; caught on phone by VP
9:30-10:00ish ; wandering
10:11 ; see NOTE 3
10:35-10:41 ; wandering
10:44-10:46 ; wandering
11:12 ; see NOTE 4
[11:35-11:48 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:37-12:44 ; wandering
1:16-2:04 ; wandering
2:07-2:12 ; wandering
+2:47-2:56 ; wandering
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
NOTE 1: O had time to do 4 rolls of items, but only managed to do 2, because he spent too much time yakking, often with S.
NOTE 2: J is cutting pieces from sintra, using a speed of about 1"/sec, or about 1/4 to 1/8 the speed he ought to be going. This is a typical J maneuver designed to give more time to spend on his phone or otherwise goofing off. Also, J's typical M.O. of loading a board, starting the run, then ignoring it in favor of his phone even for a minute or two after the run ends is firmly in place. Or, if not the phone, writing rap lyrics (or something).
NOTE 3: J is back on his phone.
NOTE 4: J taken to conference room by HK (management). Am told he was written up on orders from VP for phone use at work. Upon return, shows no change in behavior aside from scowling. Still running sintra at super-slow speed, still using phone, albeit slightly more surreptitiously.
{? - 5:10ish ; O walks in with a drink he obviously went somewhere in a car to get.}
{5:15-7:00 ; see NOTE 1}
{6:18 ; S arrives}
{6:18-7:00 ; S on internet, yakking, wandering}
7:11 ; J arrives
7:15-7:21 ; wandering
7:21-7:30 ; gratuitous cleaning
7:30-7:33 ; wandering
[8:27-8:43 ; break, I am not in area to observe]
9:00ish ; see NOTE 2
9:30ish ; caught on phone by VP
9:30-10:00ish ; wandering
10:11 ; see NOTE 3
10:35-10:41 ; wandering
10:44-10:46 ; wandering
11:12 ; see NOTE 4
[11:35-11:48 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:37-12:44 ; wandering
1:16-2:04 ; wandering
2:07-2:12 ; wandering
+2:47-2:56 ; wandering
If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.
NOTE 1: O had time to do 4 rolls of items, but only managed to do 2, because he spent too much time yakking, often with S.
NOTE 2: J is cutting pieces from sintra, using a speed of about 1"/sec, or about 1/4 to 1/8 the speed he ought to be going. This is a typical J maneuver designed to give more time to spend on his phone or otherwise goofing off. Also, J's typical M.O. of loading a board, starting the run, then ignoring it in favor of his phone even for a minute or two after the run ends is firmly in place. Or, if not the phone, writing rap lyrics (or something).
NOTE 3: J is back on his phone.
NOTE 4: J taken to conference room by HK (management). Am told he was written up on orders from VP for phone use at work. Upon return, shows no change in behavior aside from scowling. Still running sintra at super-slow speed, still using phone, albeit slightly more surreptitiously.
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