Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013 - J

[6:00 ; I arrive]
7:05ish ; J arrives
7:10-7:13 ; wandering
7:37-7:45 ; sitting - doing something on computer, but not the internet
7:56 ; first piece of material on table for Job 1
8:02-8:08 ; wandering
8:10-9:22 ; Job 1, 320 pcs of durasheet with adhesive, 11.5x11.5 each
9:22-9:58 ; wandering
9:58-10:01 ; yakking
10:01-10:09 ; sitting, phone
10:11-10:16 ; phone, yakking
10:27 ; Job 2 on table; see details below
10:48-10:52 ; sitting, phone
11:21-11:27 ; wandering
[11:29-12:00 ; lunch, I am not in area to observe]
12:06-12:12 ; sitting, phone
12:15-12:28 ; sitting, phone
12:35-12:50 ; J searches for his lost Bluetooth earpiece*.
12:50-12:56 ; yakking
12:56-12:58 ; phone
1:15-1:54 ; wandering (lunch)
1:54-2:01 ; phone
2:01-2:02 ; wandering
2:03-2:05 ; something worth noting which I forgot to make a note of
[2:05-2:21 ; company meeting]
2:23-2:29 ; wandering
2:46-2:59 ; wandering
3:40ish ; sitting in breakroom
[3:45 ; I leave the building]

Job 2 details: static cling, 2 rolls size and quantity unrecorded. Rolls were cut using J's Standard Operating Procedure: J starts a run (which will last, at most, a minute), then immediately turns to his phone. He stares at the phone long after the run finishes. Finally, after a minute of two, he turns away from the phone, clears the machine, starts another run, turns to the phone and stares at it long after the run ends. This is how nearly every job he does is handled.
Roll 1 cut 10:31-1:00 ; (although, subtracting the time goofing off shown above, time spent is only 1 hour and 37 minutes, though that number is itself still subject to J's S.O.P.)
Roll 2 cut 1:10-3:28 ; (although, subtracting the time goofing off shown above, time spent is only 53 minutes, though that number is itself still subject to J's S.O.P.
This is at least twice as long as this job should have taken. You'll notice that, as is often the case, he manages to finish the job right as his shift ends.

If the terms used seem confusing, you might read this.

* This search will go on from time to time for the next few days.

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